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Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can give it a fresh new start! In this article, we will explore the benefits of reinstalling the system, provide step-by-step instructions, and offer some tips to make the process smooth and efficient.

Tools and Materials:

Computer or mobile device: Apple MacBook Pro (Model XYZ)

Operating System: macOS Mojave

Software Version: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

1. Benefits of Reinstalling the System

Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can bring several advantages. Firstly, it can help improve the overall performance and speed of your device. Over time, your computer may accumulate unnecessary files and software that can slow it down. By reinstalling the system, you can start fresh and eliminate any unnecessary clutter.

Secondly, reinstalling the system can fix any software-related issues or bugs that you may be experiencing. It can resolve compatibility problems, crashes, and other performance issues that may arise from outdated or corrupted system files.

2. How to Reinstall the System on your Apple Computer

There are two methods you can use to reinstall the system on your Apple computer:

Method 1: Reinstall from macOS Recovery

1. Restart your computer and hold down Command + R until the Apple logo appears.

2. Select "Reinstall macOS" from the macOS Utilities window.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reinstallation process.

Method 2: Create a Bootable USB Installer

1. Download the macOS Mojave installer from the App Store.

2. Insert a USB drive and format it as macOS Extended (Journaled) using Disk Utility.

3. Use Terminal to create a bootable USB installer by running the appropriate command.

4. Restart your computer and hold down Option until the Startup Manager appears.

5. Select the USB installer and follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall the system.


Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can breathe new life into your device. It improves performance, resolves software issues, and provides a fresh start. Whether you choose to reinstall from macOS Recovery or create a bootable USB installer, following the steps outlined in this article will help you achieve a successful system reinstallation. Enjoy your newly refreshed device!

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当前位置:首页 > 重装系统
分类于:重装系统 回答于:2023-08-30


Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can give it a fresh new start! In this article, we will explore the benefits of reinstalling the system, provide step-by-step instructions, and offer some tips to make the process smooth and efficient.

Tools and Materials:

Computer or mobile device: Apple MacBook Pro (Model XYZ)

Operating System: macOS Mojave

Software Version: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

1. Benefits of Reinstalling the System

Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can bring several advantages. Firstly, it can help improve the overall performance and speed of your device. Over time, your computer may accumulate unnecessary files and software that can slow it down. By reinstalling the system, you can start fresh and eliminate any unnecessary clutter.

Secondly, reinstalling the system can fix any software-related issues or bugs that you may be experiencing. It can resolve compatibility problems, crashes, and other performance issues that may arise from outdated or corrupted system files.

2. How to Reinstall the System on your Apple Computer

There are two methods you can use to reinstall the system on your Apple computer:

Method 1: Reinstall from macOS Recovery

1. Restart your computer and hold down Command + R until the Apple logo appears.

2. Select "Reinstall macOS" from the macOS Utilities window.

3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the reinstallation process.

Method 2: Create a Bootable USB Installer

1. Download the macOS Mojave installer from the App Store.

2. Insert a USB drive and format it as macOS Extended (Journaled) using Disk Utility.

3. Use Terminal to create a bootable USB installer by running the appropriate command.

4. Restart your computer and hold down Option until the Startup Manager appears.

5. Select the USB installer and follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall the system.


Reinstalling the system on your Apple computer can breathe new life into your device. It improves performance, resolves software issues, and provides a fresh start. Whether you choose to reinstall from macOS Recovery or create a bootable USB installer, following the steps outlined in this article will help you achieve a successful system reinstallation. Enjoy your newly refreshed device!

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